6 Reasons to install an In-ground Trampoline in Spring
1. The ground is softer for excavation
Generally speaking, installing a Capital In-ground Trampoline is a manageable DIY weekend job. However, the difficulty-level of excavation can vary depending on your type of soil, for instance clay is far harder to dig than sandy soil. Regardless of your type of soil you will benefit from the Spring rain to soften the ground, as any gardener will tell you that digging into Summer-hardened soil can be hard work!
2. Cooling temperatures make labor easier
Whilst it’s great to be sitting in the Summer sun sipping a cool glass of lemonade, its not quite as good if you are doing manual labor.
A cloudy day can be an absolute godsend for installing an in-ground trampoline as Sam our chief installer and his team will swear to!
3. Easier to book installation of your trampoline
If the thought of digging the hole yourself fills you with dread (it’s really not that bad!) then Spring is one of the best times to book an installation, either through Capital Play or your local landscaper. This is because the Summer months are prime garden landscaping time and most landscapers do 80% of their years work in just 6-8 months so you may well pay a premium for their services at this time. But wait until Autumn and availability goes up whilst the cost for their services goes down.
4. Get kids outside as the days shorten
We all want to get our kids outside and away from electronic devices as much as possible. This is not too difficult in the Summer when the sunshine beckons but as the days shorten and the weather grows cooler it can be a harder task. However, never underestimate the lure of a trampoline amongst kids, especially an in-ground one, which is so easily accessible.
Trampolining is an excellent outdoor activity and helps keep kids fit and healthy over the Winter months when they’re less inclined to venture outdoors.
5. Easier to keep clear than an above ground trampoline
Forget about crawling around on a wet trampoline trying to clear it of leaves etc. An in-ground trampoline is super-easy to keep clean as the surface can simply be brushed off with a simple garden broom, leaving it instantly clean and ready for play!
6. Fun Spring project to get ready for Summer
And finally, get ready for those long Summer days. Planning a new piece of backyard play equipment can really get you excited for Summer days and gives you plenty of reason to spend some more time in your garden.
For more information on in-ground trampolines please contact Capital Play on 800-510-8734 or contact us here to request further information.